Thursday, June 17, 2010



The dictionary created by Nicki Minaj to walk pedestrians through her vocab and terminologies….STEP YA NICTIONARY UP!!!
Official Secret Society Barbie Statement :

I’m a GIRL\ and I’m RICH \its BARBIE \ YOU little BITCH!!!!!

AckOrgiddyWay ItchesOrgiddyBay
: \ak-ər-gi-dē-wā-ˈich-es-ər-gi-dē-bā\: adjective
1: the barbie pig latin term for “whack bitches”.

Alfred Bitchcok : \ˈal-frəd-ˈbich-käk\ : noun
1: a term of endearment from one bitchy Harajuku Barbie to another. Generally used amongst BFF’s.

Bad Bitch Check : \bad-ˈbich-chek\ : verb
1: is when a bad bitch looks in the mirror prior to an event in which stacks are involved.

Baldy Locks : \ˈbol(d)-ē-läks\ : adjective
1: Good head.

Balloon Boy : \bə-ˈlün-ˈboi\ : noun
1: the adopted lady bug of barbie nation.
2: the oracle.

Barbie Backhand : \ˈbär-bē-bak-ˌhand\ : verb
1: The act of using intense force while unexpectedly givin da back hand to a hata.

BarbieBoomBox : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbüm-bäks\ : noun
1: a device out of which the Barbie’s fetch music is played from.

Barbie Detention : \ˈbär-bē-di-ˈten-chən\ : noun
1: When the Harajuku Barbie herself puts one of her barbies on time-out for stating or doing something totally unfetch.
*only the HB can remove a barbie from Barbie Detention. Length of stay may vary.
*While on “BD” a barbie is required to do any task the “HB” asks of her in order to regain her position as a BARBIE. Tasks may vary.

Barbie Juice : \ˈbär-bē-ˈjüs\ : noun
1: ice cold pickle juice in a glass that barbies drink to experience a sudden blast of EUPHORIA.

Barbie Powers : \ˈbär-bē-ˈpau-(-ə)rz\: noun
1: to beam your thoughts to another Barbie without speaking.
2: to put a hex on strawberry shortcakes by wiggling your fingers at them.

Barbie’s Phone Number:

Basement : \ˈbās-mənt\ : verb
1: the act of stepping one’s twig&berries / cookies DOWN.
2: the opposite of penthouse used when one is too cocky.

BEEN a fan : \ben-ā-fan\ : noun
1: term used to describe a cornball.
Sentence : “hatin on who? Dat Bitch BEEN a fan”

Ben: \’ben\ : adjective
1. broke ass ken. (barbie submitted, HB approved)

BFF :\b-f-f\: noun
1: Barbie For FuckinEver

Bustitbarbie :\ˈbəst-ˈbär-bē\ : noun
1: a naughty barbie who knows how to make it up on her final exam.

Cater to your Ken Day :\ˈkā-tər-tü-yər-ken-ˈdā\: noun
1: One day a month when Barbie stops being a diva and grants her Ken’s every wish.

Chin Check : \’chin-chek\ : verb
1: when an HB gets out of character to explain her fabulosity.

Chuckles : \ˈchə-kəls\ : verb

1: when a Harajuku Barbie laughs at the expense of one of her friends.

CopyRightin’ Infringements :\kä-pē-ˌrīt-in-in-ˈfrinj-mənt\: noun
1: girls that claim to be rappers while enlisting the help of ghost writers.

Doll House :\ˈdäl-ˈhaus\ : noun

1: a place where a Harajuku Barbie resides or stays while away on business.

Dolly Lama :\ˈdäl-lē-ˈlä-mə\: noun
1: a barbie that makes everyone around her feel at peace.
2: a problem solver.
3: the one you call when you’re at your worst.

Fetch : \ˈfech\ : adjective
1: a term used to describe something a bitchy Harajuku Barbie really likes.
*Only used with other HBs.

Fire Marshall: \fi(-ə)r-mär-shəl\ : noun
1: a term for sum1 tryna shut ya shit down.
Sentence: word? oh u on ya fire marshall shit.

Frosty Da Snowman : \fro-stē-ˈdə-ˈsnō-man\ : noun
1: a girl or boy who wears blurry diamonds. Step ya clarity up.

Gabbage Patch Kid :\ˈga-bij-ˈpach-kid\: noun
1: a bust down
2: a doll who wishes the barbies will adopt her.

GBR : \g-b-r\ : verb
1: Abbreviation for “Got a Barbie Rollin”.

Get off my Fone : \git-’of-ˈmī-fōn\ : noun
1: a swift dismissal of a stupid ass fone call OR comment.
Sentence: Excuse me??? Bitch!!! Get off my Fone!!!

Harajuku Barbie : \原宿 ˈbär-bē\ : noun
1: refer to Harajuku.

Harajuku Ken : \原宿 ˈken\ – noun
1: a man that “adds to” a “HB” by knowing when to “fall da fuk bak” and when to “step his dick up”.

HB : \h-b\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Barbie.

HK : \h-k\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Ken.

It’s BARBIE BITCH!!!!! : \əts-ˈbär-bē-ˈbich\: noun
1: how Harajuku Barbies say good-bye.

Judge Judy:\ˈjəj-jüd-ē\: noun
1: friend in our head & baddest barbie in the galaxy

Penthouse : \ˈpent-ˌhaus\: verb
1: the act of stepping one’s dick or cookies all the way up.

Raggedy The Spy: \ˈra-gə-dē-thə-spī\ : noun
1: a name for bitches who wanna be like u, but just wont come outta the closet.
2: a Flip on Harriet the Spy.
Sentence: come out da closet raggedy!!! the spy!!!!

Roger Dat : \ˈrä-jər-dət\ : verb
1: verbally style on a shortcake by implying she should “get like u” in 2010.
Sentence: Scuze me? Bitch! Roger dat!

Step Your Scotty Up : \step-yər-skät-ē-ˈəp\ : verb
1: refers to being up on the latest lyrics\lingo off of the new “Beam Me Up Scotty” CD.

Strawberry Shortcake : \ˈstro-ˌber-ē-short-ˈkāk\ : noun
1: a broke bitch ;
2: one who loses sight of her goals and her CAKE by focusing on BEEF and negativity.

Stud Muffin :\ˈstəd-mə-fən\: noun
1: a street savvy “man’s man” who can only be tamed by a pink lipped barbie.

Surfboard : \ˈsərf-bord\ : adjective
1: used to describe a hatin ass WASHED up bitch.
Sentence : Cowubunga! Hit the surfboard ya surfboard ass bitch!!!!

Tumble Dry : \ˈtəm-bəl-ˈdrī\ : verb
1: used wen speaking to WASHED bitches.
Sentence : Tumble Dry bitch! Tumble Dry!!!

Waffle House : \wä-fəl-ˈhaus\ : adjective
1: a clearly misguided old wrinkle.

When You Believe : by Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey
1: our official THEME song.
download & learn it – “story of my life”
When You Believe
0:00 / 0:00DownloadRight-click and save as to download.

Zoo :\ˈzü\: adjective
1: when exciting, crazy, and fetch need to be combined to describe a noun.
*can only be said with extreme intensity.

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